Rippaverse Fan Meet-Up Dallas With Yaira


A Frosty Fan Fest

By Jen & Sylvia Soska

This past Rippaverse Meetup in Dallas hosted over 500 fans who got to meet Eric July & Mrs. Rippa with members of Geeks & Gamers, including Jay Drunk 3PO, Beardo, Comix Division, and Friday Night Tights crew Gary the million-follower man from Nerdrotic, Mrs. Nerdrotic and Xray Girl! But that was not all who were in attendance; many came with their new copies of Yaira #1 in hand & they were pleasantly surprised to see the Ice Amazon amongst the guests.

“I heard that the Soskas promised to hug everyone, and I thought, these are my fans – I want to hug them too! So, I flew from Florespark to Dallas. Pretty easy for me, plus Solari is always happy to see me leave town.”

Yaira’s Striking Presence

Standing at 6’3″ with long blonde hair and piercingly cold blue eyes, Yaira is pretty hard to miss. Plus, she dresses to impress. Fans say she wore a cowboy hat with a short skirt surrounded by a gunslinger belt in celebration of her deep love of Texas.

“I like to go where the warriors go. I see a lot of strength in the people here. They remind me of one of my many homes of the past. I like the joyousness in them. I met 32 Flavors of Nickweiser, Alec Baldwin’s Middle Finger, Rizzkit4ABiscuit, Smoking Man, CJ, Horny Alf, and Cajun Corey. Good guys. Avery Parker, a potential suitor for Sydnee Bloodruth, convinced me he’d make an excellent husband.”


Yaira’s Interaction with Attendees

Attendees were treated to feats of strength when Yaira noticed the punching machine at the back of the Boozy Bird, the extremely fine establishment where the event took place. A singular punch exploded the bag, breaking the machine, which she later paid for after complaining that it was an imperfect measure.

A Memorable Event

For four hours, Yaira and the guests greeted fans, took photos, & signed comics and posters! The smile never left their faces, and you could tell by the end of the evening that Yaira had made a few extra new fans.

Yaira’s Final Thoughts

“It was a very special night. I don’t get out enough to meet new people, and this was a real treat for me. Most new people tend to be enemies who need to be slain, so making several hundred new friends was a lovely experience!”

Before she flew off, she said she was excited for the Denver Fan Expo and to meet the fans there!

Soska Final Note

If you weren’t able to attend the event or if you simply missed out on the opportunity to purchase Yaira #1, there’s no need to worry. We understand that not everyone can make it to every event, and we want to make sure that all fans have access to our content. Therefore, we are happy to announce that Yaira #1 is still available for purchase in our store. Whether you’re an avid comic book collector or a new fan drawn in by Yaira’s charismatic presence, you can still own a piece of this exciting saga. So, don’t miss your chance to delve deeper into Yaira’s world – visit our store and grab your copy today!

To all of you who made the effort to join us, we cannot express enough gratitude for your unwavering support and the passion you bring. Your enthusiasm fuels our creativity and motivates us to deliver the best. We eagerly look forward to creating more engaging content and taking you along on this incredible adventure that we have embarked on. Our journey is just beginning, and your being a part of it enriches it in ways we can’t put into words. Should we have the good fortune of crossing paths at another meetup, we may just share a secret or two under a non-disclosure agreement. So, keep an eye out for us because you never know what exciting spoilers you might be privy to.

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