Behind the Panels: Rippaverse Lead Art Editor – Caanan White

rippaverse lead art editor caanan white

The Incredible Caanan White!

By Jen & Sylvia Soska

Meet the incredible Caanan White, the art director of the Rippaverse. If you are a comic book fan, you will have enjoyed picking up a book illustrated by this outstanding artist. With over 15 years of experience, Caanan has worked with everyone from Marvel and Image Comics to 1First Comics, Dabel Brothers Productions, and anyone in between. His work was first published in 2006 by the independent comic book publisher Dabel Brothers and industry titans like Marvel. This marked the beginning of his professional career as a graphic novel artist.

In 2008, Caanan’s submissions would catch the attention of Avatar Press, which resulted in White being hired on to work on two war titles – Uber, written by Kieron Gillan, and The Harlem Hellfighters with writer Max Brooks. Caanan White’s most beloved collaborations include his covers for Luke Cage: Gang War for Marvel and Son of Shaolin, written by Jay Longino. Caanan loves the material he works on, and his passion can clearly be felt in his striking visuals, which show how he brings the characters to life in a way only he can.


It was not long before our founder, Eric July, began scouting top talent to come onto the Rippaverse. Caanan started as a cover artist for the company, but his stylish artwork was quickly recognized by fans. Caanan’s gorgeous short box that he designed for the Rippaverse celebrated every character released at the time and showed an intense understanding of each unique hero and villain. Caanan was brought on full-time as our Lead Art Editor when we, the Soska Sisters, joined as editors and Lore Masters. One of the greatest parts of working for the Rippaverse is working with artists as talented as Caanan White, as it drives us to be even better artists. Since joining the company, every artist has had the benefit of Caanan’s guidance and expertise to continue to grow and evolve.

I had the pleasure of chatting with this extraordinary artist about his career, his inspiration, and what the future holds.

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Hi Caanan! Thank you so much for your time. I know we keep you very busy around the Rippaverse! Let’s dive right in!

When was it, and what was it that made you know you wanted to be an artist?
CAANAN: I think the first thing was the Superman comic I got for the first time. The story I remember really due to the illustrations. It was done so well that it was like a tutorial on how to do anatomy for me. And go figure, it was Superman, my favorite superhero. The second thing was reading Frank Millar’s Dark Knight Returns. OMG! That was the first graphic novel I read from cover to cover, and it blew my mind! I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, at 14,15, I wanted to do this as a career.

What was the gig that made you realize you have made it as a working artist?
CAANAN: I’d say working on Uber with Kieron Gillen.  He had already established his work in Marvel, so it was awesome to see how the fans knew him and loved his work, as well as the other artists I was able to meet as a result of him and that book. That let me know this was the career I wanted to dedicate my passion and talent to for the rest of my life, really.

What comic books did you read growing up?
CAANAN: Oh man! I came up during the Image Comics boom! For me, the Wildstorm verse was my home!! Hahaha – books like StormWatch, Wet Works, Wildcats, Pitt, Prophet, Brigade, BloodStrike, and Youngblood, to name a few hehe.

Who are some of your favorite characters, and what has it been like to work on some of them?
CAANAN: My favorite characters are Superman, Batman, Captain America, Wolverine, Punisher, Cloak & Dagger, and a lot more, hahaha, but these stick out the most. The closest I’ve come to working on these characters would be a few covers with some of them on them, but I’ve never gotten a chance to illustrate them in a whole book/story.

Where do you take inspiration as an artist?
CAANAN: I get inspired by other artists’ takes on various characters. You think you have grasped everything you can about comics, and then you see an artist that just blows you away—that keeps me hungry and ready to learn and grow each time I see an amazing piece. Being as dynamic as possible, which leaves the reader in awe and inspired, is my chief motivation. That is what gets me feeling creative every day.

If you could give one piece of advice for artists wanting to break into the comic book industry, what would it be?

CAANAN: learn the business—see it for what it really is. Be excited about drawing books, but protect yourself first – make sure you are paid what you are worth. And do not be afraid to walk away from the table if it doesn’t or isn’t benefiting you, not just them. Be humble and stay teachable. You’ve never arrived, and there is always someone better than you—let that competition inspire you, not discourage you. And most of all, KEEP IT FUN! PROTECT THAT!

I must say, one of the best parts of our job has been working with you, Caanan. What’s it been like for you to come on as the Lead Art Editor of the Rippaverse?

CAANAN: Man. Honestly, ladies, it’s been a dream and a rebirth for me. Every time I see all of us in the meeting talking about creative ideas, every time I see a video Eric makes about where Rippaverse is headed, it just reaffirms the belief that I know I’m finally where I fit, you know? Been doing this for a long time, and this is the most fun I’ve had in this industry in a looooong time. I am definitely grateful for you, Ladies, and the rest of the RV Family.

Which are your favorite characters in the Rippaverse and why?

CAANAN: Yaira, Bloodruth, And Goodyng        

  •    Yaira: She’s like Wonder Woman with an edge—almost like a superpowered Viking shield maiden. And she carries herself with that blunt swagger. And she’s a 6’3” baddie! She’s powerful in ALL the right places, hehe.
  •    Sydnee: She’s the gorgeous vixen who has been made to master the arcane due to her family lineage. Yet, through it all, she has remained steadfast to ensure the safety of the innocent and the redemption of the dammed. Her world is the one I’m looking forward to the most! And again, she is a fine sista, hehehe—those eyes!
  •    Goodyng: I love the way his mind works. It’s almost like he’d be kind of disconnected from the mundane every day because he is thinking decades ahead of anything now hehe. And the fact that he is always willing and determined to do it all! Hehe. 

What do you feel drives you as an artist?

CAANAN: My biggest motivation in being an artist is definitely inspiring someone, as they see what I’ve created, to know they, too, CAN do something they love.

What are some of your favorite books you have worked on?  
CAANAN: ESSESSA – published by Stranger Comics, Niobe: She-Tribe – also published by Stranger Comics, and Son of Shaolin – published by Image Comics.

Thank you so kindly for your time, Caanan! It’s been a pleasure, and every day working together is so much fun that it’s hard to see it as work. I am so excited to see this is where the Rippaverse has started, as the future feels limitless. To catch more of Caanan White and his incredible work, please stay tuned to The Rippaverse! We are a fans-first company comprised of fans, and I am extremely excited to see where the future takes us. Let’s go!

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