Behind the Panels: A Glimpse into the Creative Process of Marcos Rios

By Jen & Sylvia Soska

The Journey Begins

It all started when my friend notified me of Eric’s search for artists for a comic book project. I sent my portfolio, and Eric commissioned some art from me on the very same day. From this point forward, a great partnership and friendship began, leading to the creation of the successful Rippaverse.

Collaborative Process with Eric

The collaborative process with Eric is quite fluid. He communicates his new character ideas, including their names, their roles in the project, and their descriptions. If I need clarity on specific details, I ask before moving into the sketch phase. Once the initial sketch is ready, Eric provides feedback, and we refine it until we achieve the perfect result.


The Eric Sketch Experience

Looking back at “The Eric Sketch,” it’s amazing to see how far it’s come in just two years. It’s incredible how a simple sketch of a black and orange suit could turn into such a massive success as Isom. No, I won’t share it. It’s classified!

Working with Chuck Dixon

Working with Chuck Dixon was exhilarating. Despite my initial apprehensions, Chuck was as excited about my work and our growing fictional universe as I was. Collaborating on Alphacore included sketching a variety of characters and refining them until we got the results we were happy with.

Collaborating with Mike Baron

Working with Mike Baron, who I endearingly describe as a cool grandpa, was a wonderful experience. I had a lot of creative freedom when working on Mike’s Goodyng: The Polymath project, which made the process fun and fast. Mike was cordial, receptive to changes, and always expressed his satisfaction with the work with enthusiasm.

Designing for the Soska Sisters

Working with the Soska Sisters has been the most friendly and enthusiastic experience so far within the Rippaverse. They were thrilled with each character’s design and appreciated every step of the design process. Their passion for creating and writing is palpable and truly inspiring.

Favorite Character Design

Yaira was the first character I had officially designed for Eric and remains my favorite. There’s something about her color scheme that speaks to me. However, one of the characters from Goodyng: The Polymath also holds a special place in my heart.


The Last Phase: A Personal Project

The Last Phase is a comic book universe I’ve been working on since the 8th grade, inspired by the TV show Supernatural. My aim is to create a cinematic universe of epic proportions with supernatural and spiritual elements, as well as dramatic and fun. The end of times serves as the backdrop while the focus is on the protagonists’ lives.

Looking for Collaborators

As much as I love drawing, I realize that my strength lies in writing. I’m looking for a penciler/inker who can capture dramatic scenes and supernatural elements in a captivating manner. Interested artists can contact me through my social media accounts or via my ArtStation page.

Most Exciting Moment in the Rippaverse

[[Insert Approved to Share Concept Art here]]

The most exciting moment for me as an artist was the first time Eric video-called me to show me the first official artwork done for Isom #1. Seeing my sketches turned into professional, high-quality art was an incredible feeling. A similar excitement grew in me when I saw the live-action trailer for Yaira. It’s thrilling to see a character whose outfit you designed brought to life!

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